You can buy in person at the following locations. Our puppets can only be found at the Kornél Café and Gallery - and in London and Oxford. You can buy in our own workshop by appointment only. Personal purchase in Budapest: Kornél Café and Gallery /Lúd Labor / Museum of Fine Arts Shop / Hungarian National Gallery Shop / Hungarian House of Music Shop / London: Benjamin Pollock's Toyshop. / Oxford: Scriptum / San Diego: Art Of Play / Newcastle : The Beach Plum Company / Brugge: Galerie Magiek

Thaumatrope set 'The Little Prince’

10000 HUF

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Thaumatrope Set 'The Little Prince’

This thaumatrope set features scenes from The Little Prince to help you tell the story. The discs are a rethinking of the original illustrations. There are seven ready-to-use thaumatrope discs in the practical metal box.

Size: Diameter: 8.5 cm Height: 4 cm

Thaumatrope Set 'The Little Prince’ This thaumatrope set features scenes from The Little Prince to help you tell the story. The discs are a rethinking of the original illustrations. There are seven ready-to-use thaumatrope discs in the practical metal box. Size: Diameter: 8.5 cm Height: 4 cm

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